23 Essential Hacks for Breastfeeding Moms

Looking for the tips, tricks, and insider-mama secrets to make breastfeeding a great experience for you and baby? Look no further than the real experts – mamas who have been there, done that, and shared the milk-soaked wisdom with you!

1st Aid for Nipples – When You’re Feeling Sore

Nipple Survival Guide

It’s normal to have a little soreness in the first few days, but that should pass. If your nipples hurt, crack, etc. get baby’s latch checked – and do some nursing-safe 1st aid. Via Serendipity and Spice

[Y]our nipples are adjusting to being constantly sucked and pulled on….they will literally feel like they’re going to fall off if your little one eats one more time! Luckily, there are some things you can do to help alleviate the pain and help quicken the healing process. I followed the steps outlined in this Nipple Survival Guide and my nipples were better in just a couple of days.

Boost Your Milk Supply With Nutrition

How to Improve Milk Supply Through Nutrition

Your diet makes a difference in the quality of your milk – and good food doesn’t have to be tough. Via NaturalBirthandBabyCare.com

You have heard that it really doesn’t matter what you eat, you’ll still make milk for your baby (and it’s still better than formula!) Well, that’s true – but a higher quality diet makes higher quality milk. And a high-quality diet can help you to have abundant milk. There may really be times when milk supply can’t be boosted – but improving diet is one of the most basic steps to try and will benefit you no matter what the outcome.

The Top 12 Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Super Foods
Breastfeeding super foods are tasty – and boost the quality of your milk! Enjoy! Via Breastfeeding Place

Congratulations! You’ve already chosen the best nutrition for your baby by breastfeeding! But what should you eat while producing milk for your little one? A varied diet that contains plenty of healthy options is a great way to ensure that you and your baby are getting all the vitamins and nutrients you both need. Here are the top twelve best foods to eat while breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Calorie Requirements

Breastfeeding Calorie Requirements Hoping to slim down – and maintain your milk supply? Check out how much you need to eat to keep up with baby! Via Diary of a Fit Mommy

While Breastfeeding, you need 500 extra calories tagged into your daily value to makeup for the amount of calories being burned throughout the day from feeding your baby. Isn’t it crazy that Breastfeeding burns that much! To figure out the minimum of daily calories that you specifically need when Breastfeeding, use this calculator…

Breastfeeding Essentials from Real Mamas

Breastfeeding EssentialsLots of baby stores provide you with gear lists – but sometimes it helps to know what works for real mamas. Here’s the scoop on what’s really essential for nursing your little one. Via Mama say what?! (Note: Site appears to be down, URL was http://www.mamasaywhat.com/ask-the-mamas-breastfeeding-essentials/)

“I plan on breastfeeding and was wondering, what do the mamas think are the five most essential items to have on hand?” Congratulations on your decision to breastfeed! Like Laura said, the best thing you can do is educate yourself and your partner. It truly can make all the difference in the world…That being said, these are what I think are the most essential items to have on hand in the early days of breastfeeding:

8 Breastfeeding Positions to Make Nursing Easier on Mom

Breastfeeding Positions for MomHave a few different positions in your bag of breastfeeding tricks to make things go more smoothly for you and baby 🙂 Via The Stir

Every mom I talked to had a different way to hold her baby while nursing, a different breastfeeding “style” so to speak. So which one was right? All of them. Every darn one of them.

11 Lactation Smoothies for Breastfeeding Moms

Lactation SmoothiesNeed a boost in milk supply – just a boost of energy? These smoothie help with both! Via Hiccups and Sunshine

Many breastfeeding moms search for recipes to help boost their milk supply and this post is all about lactation smoothies!

10 Ways Dad Can Really Help with Breastfeeding

How dads can help with breastfeedingSome days it feels like breastfeeding is all about mama – but there’s a lot daddy can do to help support a breastfeeding mama-baby! Via Semi-Delicate Balance

When mom breastfeeds, dads can feel like they’re out of the loop. She may not want to pump or bottlefeed so dads have to try and engage somehow with feeding the baby. Because… well, they’re half yours! Here are some ways dads can REALLY help with breastfeeding.

Pumping Schedules from Newborn to 12 Months!

Pumping schedulesFiguring out how and when to pump on top of caring for a baby and juggling life can be a little overwhelming. Check out these “done for you” schedules for nursing and pumping – and exclusively pump feeding. Via Naptime Tales

We get a lot of emails about pumping and one of the more common questions is “when do you pump?”. The answer depends on a several factors and will vary with your baby’s age and whether you are nursing or exclusively pumping.

What is Mastitis – and How to Prevent Mastitis

prevent-mastitisMany nursing mamas worry about mastitis – here’s exactly what it is and how you can prevent it! Via Cheerfully Imperfect

It’s just as bad, if not worse than they say. It starts as a slight tenderness in your breast and within a matter of hours can turn into what feels like the flu/getting hit by a truck/kill me now. Yeah. It’s bad.

6 Holistic Remedies for Mastitis

6-natural-remedies-for-mastitis1What if you’re already dealing with mastitis? Can you handle it naturally? Check out these holistic remedies! Via Holistic Saffron

I got my first Mastitis infection when my Son was 8 months old. As soon as I felt a hard painful knot on the left side I knew it was Mastitis. But I kicked its butt within 24 hours 🙂 Antibiotics for Mastitis is not recommended because Antibiotics can give you Thrush which is equally painful and it also disturbs you and your baby’s gut flora.

20 One-Handed Snack Ideas for Breastfeeding Mamas

20 breastfeeding snack ideasAs a nursing mama, you probably find you’re hungry… but only have one hand to eat! Here are some great ideas for snacks 🙂 Via The Patriotic Peacock

After two baby’s and a combined total of 27 months of breastfeeding (and we are still going strong!), I have a great list of one handed healthy snacks and meals that hopefully will be helpful to all you breastfeeding mama’s.

Dealing with Engorgement

Handling EngorgementEngorgement has always been a problem for me – this a great collection of advice and tips to avoid or resolve it! Via Balanced Breastfeeding

Engorgement: when your milk comes in and you feel like a porn star with a bad boob job. Around day three to day five, if your breasts become really hard, warm, red, and shiny, then you are probably engorged. Don’t freak out! This is temporary and you will get through it!

5 Stages of Preparing for Breastfeeding

Preparing for BreastfeedingHave you ever wondered how you make milk, or what you can do to encourage let-down? This covers it! Via Mom Junction

Hormones start playing their parts in producing breast milk. Though the production of milk is controlled by the hormones it is your baby that decides how much and how often he shall require your milk.

Top 10 Tips for Pumping Mamas

Pumping Milk TipsLooking for tips to get more milk and have pumping go more easily? Here you go! Via Mama Say What?! (Note: Site seems to be down, URL was http://www.mamasaywhat.com/top-10-tips-for-a-pumping-mama/)

While everyone’s reasons for pumping may be different, there is one thing most mamas can probably agree on: Pumping is not the most fun thing in the world. However, after pretty much exclusively pumping for both of my boys (over a year and a half), I have a few tips that have made pumping easier for me.

How Long Will Frozen Breastmilk Last?

How long to store breastmilkWondering how long you can freeze your milk – or need to know how to store safely? Via Growing Up Triplets

Ahhh, that stash of frozen breast milk is building! In fact, your freezer is overflowing and, what you once thought might only last a couple weeks, you’re now wondering if you have enough to eventually send her off to preschool with bottles! Which brings a new question to light: how long will that frozen breast milk truly last?

Tips for Breastfeeding with Large Breasts

Nursing with Large BreastsFeeling like you’re going to overwhelm your itty bitty newborn? Tried and true tips from a mama whose been there! Via A Mother’s Boutique

From the moment my first son’s milk came in, I was dealing with enormous, firm melons and trying to figure out how to get my baby’s tiny mouth to latch on without suffocating him.

10 Tips for Breastfeeding While Traveling

Breastfeeding while travelingWondering how to handle breastfeeding when you’re on the road? Check out these tips! Via Babble.com

Breastfeeding while you’re traveling for vacations this summer will probably be work for many new Moms. It might seem like a science while you’re trying to get it down, but it’s actually easy to do.

Pineapple Juice and Breastfeeding?!

Pineapples Juice BreastfeedingWorried about plugged ducts or other breastfeeding problems? Check out this hack! Via Life Could Cost Less

When I was pregnant with my first baby, a friend (thanks Denise) gave me some advice to make my experience with breastfeeding much more pleasant. She told me that when having problems with blocked milk ducts or engorgement, many women drink Pineapple Juice.

No Bake Lactation Cookies

No Bake Lactation CookiesTasty and milk boosting!! Via Milk & Baby

Spoon onto wax paper-lined cookie sheets and allow to cool… quick and easy!!

Is Your Pump Covered by Insurance?

Affordable Care Act BreastpumpWondering if your insurance will cover a breastpump? Great info on how to find out! Via Medela Moments

Be proactive before your baby is born. You can benefit from the Affordable Care Act and its new provisions, which include breastpump and lactation consultation coverage.

5 Health Benefits Of Probiotics During Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and probioticsProbiotics are so beneficial, but did you know that probiotics play a special role when breastfeeding. Via Via Mom Junction

Your breast milk is the building block that helps strengthen your newborn’s body. If you exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first six months of her life, you are already helping her future health. But when you add probiotics to your diet, you give your baby something extra. Here are some of the benefits of probiotics during breastfeeding:

25 Beautiful Historical Breastfeeding Images

Big Bird NursingI love classic breastfeeding pics – wonderful when you need a little inspiration and generational connection. Buzzfeed

Proof that the “as-long-as-you-cover-up” mentality hasn’t been around for very long.

23 Essential Breastfeeding Hacks

About the author 


Kristen is a pregnancy coach, student midwife, and a mama to 8 - all born naturally! I've spent nearly two decades helping mamas have healthy babies, give birth naturally, and enjoy the adventure of motherhood. Does complete support for a sacred birth and beautiful beginning for your baby resonate with you? Contact me today to chat about how powerful guidance and coaching can transform your pregnancy, birth, and mothering journey <3

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